Les thèses en cours

Les thèses en cours

Les thèses en cours

Voici les thèses en cours dans l'équipe DéMo:

  • Pasquiel, DanielMetrics to assess the spatialisation of crop models for Precision Agriculture
    A 3-year project to improve our understanding of how to spatialize model predictions and assess model performance at varying spatial scales for enhanced spatial management.
    Encadré par James Taylor, 2020-2023 
    Financement #Digitag + Inrae
  • Lopez-Fornieles, EvaPotential for combining time series of multispectral and radar satellite data. 
    Aims to develop spatialized variables of vine development at the regional scale with an application to the estimation of growth and its cessation and to integrate them into a spatialized water status model. 
    Encadré par Bruno Tisseyre, 2019-2022
    Financement #Digitag
  • Dumont, Maxime, How to create training databases led by different professional expertise in order to improve agro-environmental variables prediction thanks to remote sensing data.
    A case study of large scale land occupation classification. 
    Encadré par xxxx
    Thèse CIFRE, Valorhiz
  • Zhang, Yulin, Inverse modeling of water balance model in viticulture with Crowdsourcing data.
    Explores the potential of Crowdsourcing agri-data collected by the smartphone application (ApexVigne) together with a water balance model to estimate a soil water parameter.
    Encadré par Léo Pichon, 2021-2024
    Financé par #Digitag + région Occitanie